1. How will Tuition Solutions help my child?
We will provide your child with a learning package that is tailored to suit your child's needs and designed to develop your child's knowledge at a pace comfortable for your child.
Depending on the package, we will be in regular contact to asses and mark your child's work. Our business model recognises that weekly homebased lessons are not the most effective way of helping your child.
2. My child is going to start high school. Can Tuition Solution help him/her?
Tuition Solutions is experienced in bridging the gap between primary and secondary. There are various ways of easing the transition and ensuring that your child has the best chance of succeeding during these important years.
3. Is it too late for me to learn?
No matter what your age, you need basic skills. Whether it's reading, writing or fundamental mathematics; it is worth getting these right.
4. What will it cost?
The cost is dependant on the type of assistance being provided and will be discussed when you contact Tuition Solutions.
5. My child participates in many activities so there is little spare time available?
Flexible timetables can be arranged to fit in with other activities.